Thursday, March 09, 2006


Today was the Superpave lab workshop. I had to get to work 30 minutes early, just so I can grab my truck and drive an hour to the lab. It was a very good lab, one instructor for each student. I've never had any formal Superpave training, but I watched the lab procedures last summer, so today was kinda review. I also wrote a 12 page research paper about Superpave, but didn't understand any of the technical information that I provided. Maybe now some of that stuff will make sense. I planned on the workshop to take the whole day, so I didn't bring my HD with me. The class ended at 1:30. I returned to the office at 2:30pm, and I had to find something to fill the silence for 2 hours. So I went to google and msn video for some music videos. MSN surprised me with their selection. They even had a Hikaru Utada video, You Make Me Want To Be A Man. What a horrible song title, and a horrible song in fact. I think it was a bad choice for a single if she's trying to make it in the US again. Though I stopped listening to R&B music years ago, so what do I know

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