Monday, January 29, 2007


KDOT has added gaming sites to it's list of blocked sites. PennyArcade and Kotaku are blocked. Reading Kotaku usually can occupy at least an hour of my day. Luckily FFXIclopedia isn't blocked. I haven't tried any other sites, mostly out of fear. Usually if you look at a blocked site, you get flagged and eventually your supervisor will talk to you about it. Since it would be my second offense, it's possible that my internet privileges could be taken away. Luckily not all the incidents have been logged in the past. Though today I did try to go to three blocked sites. It's bad enough that the sites are blocked, they should have to punish you more for not looking at them. My spirit was temporarily crushed, but now maybe I can focus more and read more books. Got 4 books and 80 volumes of manga to read

Today was apparently the birthday of our soon to be retiring ET. So our engineer baked him a cake. She really enjoys baking, generally bringing in cookies and other treats. The barrels are made from gumdrops, the silt fence appears to be fruit-by-foot with pretzel posts, there's rock candy and m&m for the rocks, and coconut shaving on the parts that required heavier snow. Luckily the whole cake didn't have coconut shaving, because I don't like it. I like coconut flavor, just don't like the shavings.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

In-between classes

Had two classes last week and one two-day this week. In between them I do nothing. Only new thing is that brought a pair of slippers to wear around the office.

The classes themselves were very simple. Usually 6 hours of material with a 10 minute break every hour with a 2 hour set at the end. The longest it has taken me to complete a test was 40 minutes. Since this is my first year, they have me in all the basic classes. The strange thing is that me and the other engineer has only take one of the same class. You'd figure we'd be taking all the same classes. Well I still got 16 more days of classes until April, so I'll see how similar our schooling will be.

Friday, January 05, 2007


Decided to update, because I'm bored and these last 2 hours have been dragging on. I originally brought some work from Topeka to do, but I actually had some paperwork to do here. So after a couple days, Topeka called and asked if I had gotten around to working on it. I told them no, and I probably wouldn't have time either. Which was ok, because it wasn't really my responsibility and they had someone else up there that could do it. That afternoon, I ran out of work to do. Been keeping myself occupied the normal way. I started watching Eureka and reading The Color of Magic. I'm enjoying both quite a bit.

Our Administrative assistant has been on vacation since xmas. Hope she comes back next week, because I need to setup lodging for my classes in Salina. My first class is Statistics on Jan 17th. Followed on the next day with QC/QA (Quality Control/Quality Assurance). I'm looking forward to these classes because it gets me out of the city. I get a per diem, and it's closer to K-State so I can go to practice.