Monday, May 08, 2006

Seven Samurai

Another day without working. I got the call at 2:30pm, so I came in at 3:30pm, and I brought Seven Samurai with me. It's a nice long 3.5 hour movie. I've been trying to watch more TV shows and avoiding reading books. I figure I should save them for when I'm out on the field.

I had my 3 month evaluation today. It was satisfactory, because there wasn't much to base it on. The last page of the evaluation had a list of goals for me. It's nice to finally have a purpose. The goals were to learn pay quantities, become familiar with the database program we use, and levels of acceptance which means deciding if a product is good enough for us to pay for. After this project, I'm apparently going to put on more 402's (estimates).

During this evaluation, I found out that were finally getting another engineer in this office. It's a woman from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, and she's coming June 5th. She's EA2, and apparently already has her PE. I think my boss might have the PE mixed up with the FE, because someone with a PE wouldn't be a EA2, they'd be something higher. I heard about a woman coming into our office a month ago, and she was be our EA3, Construction Engineer. I'm an EA1, and I automatically become an EA2 after one year of work.

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