Monday, May 01, 2006


I had to come in at 4pm today. We grabbed supplies for concrete testing, and that's all that I have done in the past 1.5 hours. There's about four of us in the office waiting, while the others do something with signs. Because of this project, I probably won't be spending much time in the office. Haven't decided if I will continue to update this blog as often. It was one thing to update it on company time, but to use my own time to write this. Maybe I'll just do it on Monday's, I'm assuming they'll make us come in early on Mondays to get the 8 hours. But every time I make an assumption with KDOT, I've been wrong.

It has been difficult to adjust my schedule to nights. I've been going to bed at 5am, but I still wake up at 9:30-10am, and force myself to sleep until noon. I think my body craves the sun. There is one benefit of working nights, I get paid an extra $1/hr, so that'll probably be at least an extra $240 month.

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