Saturday, February 18, 2006


I finished my first week of "work". I drove one hour to take a basic math test. It was 15 questions multiple choice, and it took me 5 minutes to complete. The other person taking the test was still on the first page when I finished. So two hours of total driving for a crappy test, but it's ok since I had nothing better to do. Although the state issued truck had problems with the heater. It would blow hot air for a little while then switch to cold and then back, which really sucks when it's only 19 degrees F outside. I decided to install Final Fantasy XI, but was unable to get online with it. I did some research, and I'm going to have to SSH into my home computer or use VNC to play. Though I'm not even sure if those even work. It's no big deal though, being able to play online games at work would make this job too good.

It seems like half the office didn't even come into work today. It usually feels like that, because they're in classes, but there were no classes Friday. One of the guys that did come, left for lunch and never came back. There's so much to learn about this job, but no one explains anything to me. I think I know how it works, but I'm afraid to imitate them, because I'm the new guy, and I shouldn't be taking advantage of the system just yet.

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