Thursday, August 24, 2006

Flame on

Back on another equipment related break. They started an hour late and 10 minutes into working, they had problems which caused a 15 minute delay, then they worked for another hour, before they had to head back to their shop. I was slowly falling asleep waiting for them to repair the shot blaster. So I started playing Soul Rebirth. I decided the next game will be Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, because I want to get it out of the way before FFIII and FFV come out this November.

Last night, they laying down the markings for the stop bars. The basically put down plastic sheets and melt them onto the pavement with mini-flamethrowers. Then they sprinkle glass beads to add to the reflectivity. It was rather entertaining, because the workers seemed to enjoy playing with fire. Plus seeing the public reaction was fun too, since they were stopped in the next lane waiting for the light. Since we were working on the stop bars, we were setting off the sensors for the traffic signal, and exiting traffic has priority on these lights. So people were getting annoyed with extra long red lights. Late in the night, people would start running them. One guy on a motorcycle did it right in front of a police officer, and we all had a good laugh. I'm not sure what was going on last night, but there were police everywhere. Saw about 4-5 pass by every hour. It good to see them out.

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