Friday, August 29, 2008


Today I had my interview for the Construction Engineer position in the north shop. It was a nice laid back interview. They asked me a couple technical questions, but most were about management. I messed up on the technical questions, because I don't know the exact minimum densities required for concrete, asphalt or cement treated based. I told them I was guessing and usually got within 1-2% of the correct answer. I asked my boss a couple days ago on what kind of questions they asked her, but other than that, I did very little to prep for the interview. It's easier for me to just respond to the questions right on the spot. The interview itself felt short. There were three interviewers and each asked me 5-6 questions, but when I walked out, 45 minutes had past. My feeling during this interview was the same as when I first interviewed with the State, but back then I didn't have any competition. This time I have a fellow EAII that started a month before I did. I personally don't care if I don't get the position. I like the office I'm in and what I do, but with the way promotions work here, I have to apply when I get a chance, since I never know when the next opening will be. Though if I really wanted the position, there's 4 other EAIII positions open in the eastern half of the state, the two in Topeka and Olathe aren't too bad of prospects either. I'd prefer to stay in Wichita though, since all family and a lot of friends are here. I have a lot of friends in KC too, but the cost of living is higher. The benefit of Topeka is that it's close to Lawrence which would allow me to go to more concerts.

This Sunday, I'm going to Lawrence to see Ratatat. I'm actually going with 5 of my friends which is surprising to me, since I've never managed to get more than two to come to a concert with me. Especially to see a group that most of have never heard of more than a month ago. Maybe it's because of the holiday weekend. I'm sure none will come with me to see Jenny Lewis or Stars in the upcoming weeks.

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