Thursday, May 22, 2008


Today there was another meeting in our office. It was a surprisingly long meeting, 4 hours. Not really sure what it was for since a lot of these meetings don't involve any of us except the construction engineer. Since the Metro Engineer was here, I had to find some work to do. I remembered that I still have a ton mindless copying to do. I worked until the meeting start, and put it off for another day. One nice result of the meeting was that my boss baked cookies.

Speaking of food, we're going to have a cookout tomorrow. The specialist that was taking the day off is coming in just for it, much to some our disappointment. At least he will be bringing a side dish of some sort, which is something I need to think about doing. So far this week has been bad for me diet wise. I've eaten out 3 times already and ate several cookies.

My mp3s that need the most work are my Japanese ones, so I've been listening to them to get rid of duplicates. I had forgotten how much I like jpop. My first several years in college, it's basically all I ever listened too. Now I only keep up with a few select artists, and make no effort to discover new ones. I normally read NPR music and Pitchfork for new western bands. But I don't know of one for Japanese music, and I don't have much faith in the oricon charts

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