Over the holiday, the message board that I setup rolled into a ditch. Maintenance was nice enough to put it back on the shoulder. It was apparently still working, but when my helper raised it back up, it died. Apparently something on the board burned out, like a capacitor or resistor.
I had the joy of taking the board back to the north shop. I made several mistakes when moving it. Since the board was dead, I couldn't lower the board. It stood about 15 feet, lowered its about 8-9 feet. First I forgot to rotate the sign. I was wondering why I couldn't get any speed, then I realize I basically had a giant wall behind me. I pulled over and fixed it. I thought I had locked it, but as soon as I got to about 50 mph, the sign swung open, jerking my truck back. It felt like back end of my truck was lifted up. I was worried that the raised message board wouldn't make it under the bridges and overhead signs. Hopefully the board can be fixed soon, because we really need it out, since we'll be closing off a major junction.
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