Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Message board woes
I had the joy of taking the board back to the north shop. I made several mistakes when moving it. Since the board was dead, I couldn't lower the board. It stood about 15 feet, lowered its about 8-9 feet. First I forgot to rotate the sign. I was wondering why I couldn't get any speed, then I realize I basically had a giant wall behind me. I pulled over and fixed it. I thought I had locked it, but as soon as I got to about 50 mph, the sign swung open, jerking my truck back. It felt like back end of my truck was lifted up. I was worried that the raised message board wouldn't make it under the bridges and overhead signs. Hopefully the board can be fixed soon, because we really need it out, since we'll be closing off a major junction.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
new engineer, kind of
Monday, May 21, 2007
While on the bridge, my helper came out because they thought they would need extra workers for the concrete pour. We set a schedule for the project. I'll unfortunately be working from 5:45am to 6:15pm. Since I'm the coordinator it would be best if I was around during the day so I could consult my superiors. Plus any concrete and asphalt would be done during the day. I could just be my way of thinking, but as the project coordinator, I feel I should have the most responsibility and work on this job. My helper plans on coming in at 5pm, even though he doesn't need to be out on the road until 6pm. I personally think 5:30pm is early enough for him to come in, but I guess I'll be nice and not take his 5 hours of OT away, since I almost make double his pay.
I'm slowly getting all the paperwork ready for this job. I need to get certification for every little thing, including the nuts and bolts used. My helper and I went out and looked at the bridge. He asked a lot of questions, that I really didn't care about. Probably because I assume the contractor knows a lot more than me, and can take care of it. Though thanks to him we did notice something extra that might need replacing. I'll go out tomorrow to take pictures, which will be reviewed Topeka.
Monday, May 14, 2007
New Regime
They've been stealing my truck for the past couple work days, because it has a tow hitch. There's a truck with a tow hitch that belongs to a senior that hasn't shown up for work in about a month. My truck was being driven by our accident prone trouble-making transfer from maintenance. Immediately after bringing back my truck this afternoon, he got in accident in his own state truck. There was apparently something in the road, and drove over it. It got stuck under the suburban, I have no idea how much damage if any was cause to it.
I didn't do anything all day except add more music to my state cell phone. Starting tomorrow I'll be working on the bridge I was originally assigned to long ago. Since the previous project coordinator has become the big boss, she can't be out on the road as much. I'll have the joy of watching pile driving.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Today I'm move my desk to the other side. I already like it better, there's people to talk to. The only problem is that it's next to the designated food table. I can smell the doughnuts right now it very tempting. They're trying really hard to fatten me up. Our office administrator went to Braum's for some reason, so she decided to bring back some chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream with cones.
Luckily yesterday I got quite a bit of walking in helping out with the asphalt paving west of here. I even managed to get some overtime which is nice. I have an opportunity for more overtime this weekend, but I going out of town for several friends' graduation at K-State.
Aside from moving desk, I went out and took some more pictures of my bridge. There's some utilities connected the bridge which may cause some problems to the contractor. I am pleased to say that my bridge still currently bum free. Though there is evidence that someone used to live there
Monday, May 07, 2007
My own project will start in 25 days. I was finally assigned a helper, though I'm not too fond of the person. I figure we will work 12.5 or 13 hour shifts. I'm not sure how much recapping of information will be necessary, and the project is 1.5 miles from the office so drive time isn't an issue. since it is a consecutive day project, if I go with 12.5 hour/day, I'll work 87.5 hours in a week. I'll almost get more overtime on my 10-day project than I did all last year.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Lately our office has been going crazy with doughnuts. For the past two weeks, some one has brought two dozen doughnuts. Last Friday, there were five dozen doughnuts from 3 different places. This was the only day I actually ate the doughnuts, because it was day the schedule for my project was decided and I was feeling down. I told myself no sweets at work unless they were homemade.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
catching up
Last week, I finished the last of my training classes in
Today I didn’t do anything since the car needs a new tire, and I don’t know what other vehicle is equipped to use the DMI (Digital Measuring Instrument). Plus my boss lent out my truck to be used on another project. I’ll try to finish it up tomorrow. I felt a little bad, not doing anything today when I actually had an assignment to complete.
In my boredom I was looking at the State civil service job openings. I noticed that they opening another EA1 position in
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Early morning
Tomorrow is the office cook out, too bad our resident BBQ expert quit last month. The office assistant has spent the past couple of days shopping and cleaning the grill. It was quite rusty, I hope it'll be safe to eat off of.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Respecting others
My boss sent out the project staffing for this years projects. I will have a Senior, the Filipino chemical engineer, helping me out. Which is good a thing, I probably get along with him best after the other engineer. Tomorrow is the letting day for my emergency bridge repair project. I'll finally get more information regarding start times. Hopefully it won't interfere with my trip to Japan.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Monday, March 12, 2007
The game filter didn't originally catch my main site for FFXI information ffxiclopedia.org, but it finally got blocked today. I was actually reading something on the site, then I click on linked and got the dreaded messaged. Normally when you get that message you're supposed to email your boss to explain your actions. Since I wasn't supposed to be at the site in the first place, I'll just hope I don't get flagged.
We apparently have a new employee. I know we had several people leave, but I don't remember a position ever being opened up. I check the State employment site regularly out of boredom and to find a job for my friend. This new guy seems late 20's, early 30's. I noticed the skoal in his back pocket, so I'm expecting him to be like the average KDOT employee. I wonder if he'll become the new concrete batch guy, since that's reserved for the bottom of the totem pole. The last three employees that left, that didn't retire, were the current batch guys. They just spent the past two weeks our new one, so I wonder if they'll go through the trouble again.
Friday, March 09, 2007
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Back pay
Today had a class on traffic control. It mostly went over specs, which is a good thing, since I probably wouldn't have read the specs on my own. Then we watched a cheesy KDOT made video on how to flag traffic. Then we all received cards that certify us as flaggers. Luckily I will never have to flag traffic.
My boss told me that I have some back pay owed to me. Apparently I was in fact promoted back in November, like I was supposed to, so I'm getting that money. It's a nice chunk of changed that I can use on my upcoming trip to Japan this summer, if work doesn't interfere. I will actually be the project coordinator for two projects this summer. One is a 10-day emergency bridge repair in May. As long as it starts on time, I'll be able to go to Japan. The 2nd one will be let in May, so it'll probably start in July. It's actually two separate projects tied together, because they're right by each other and the same contractor is doing the work. It'll be a bridge overlay. Surprisingly there's 3 nights jobs, and I'm not none of them. I think I'm the only person in the office that likes night jobs.
I won't have any class in March, so it'll give me time to read the contractor for this bridge project that I'll be helping out on until my starts. I need to quickly finish/catch up on my tv shows, because I won't have lunch breaks in the office soon.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Monday, February 12, 2007
Level up
The concrete class wasn't too bad, had a good teacher. A lot of repetition so the all specs are drilled into my head. I passed all 7 parts of the lab exam on my first try, and I have to wait a couple week to get the results of the written portion of the test. I was actually 1.5 hours late to the first day of class. I had my alarm set for PM instead of AM, and work up 10 minutes before the class started, which was 100 miles away. That's the 2nd time I've been late for a class, and it's only the 4th class I've take so far. My next class is tomorrow, QC/QA asphalt. It's a two day course, but it's in Hutchinson, just 50 miles, so I have to drive home afterwards. I'll be sure to get there on time. I try to be on time, but never early.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Field Trip
Tomorrow is the concrete field tester course, three days of boring classwork. Hopefully we have good teacher. The teachers I've had so far have been good. I've actually tested concrete before, and I really don't like it. Dries my hands out terribly. Oh well, it gets me out of the office, and I get per diem.
Monday, January 29, 2007

Today was apparently the birthday of our soon to be retiring ET. So our engineer baked him a cake. She really enjoys baking, generally bringing in cookies and other treats. The barrels are made from gumdrops, the silt fence appears to be fruit-by-foot with pretzel posts, there's rock candy and m&m for the rocks, and coconut shaving on the parts that required heavier snow. Luckily the whole cake didn't have coconut shaving, because I don't like it. I like coconut flavor, just don't like the shavings.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
In-between classes
The classes themselves were very simple. Usually 6 hours of material with a 10 minute break every hour with a 2 hour set at the end. The longest it has taken me to complete a test was 40 minutes. Since this is my first year, they have me in all the basic classes. The strange thing is that me and the other engineer has only take one of the same class. You'd figure we'd be taking all the same classes. Well I still got 16 more days of classes until April, so I'll see how similar our schooling will be.
Friday, January 05, 2007
Our Administrative assistant has been on vacation since xmas. Hope she comes back next week, because I need to setup lodging for my classes in Salina. My first class is Statistics on Jan 17th. Followed on the next day with QC/QA (Quality Control/Quality Assurance). I'm looking forward to these classes because it gets me out of the city. I get a per diem, and it's closer to K-State so I can go to practice.