Friday, March 31, 2006
I actually like going out to work, because it forces me to talk with my co-workers. In the office, the talkative people are on the other side, though it's very quiet most of the time. People just doing their own things. I'm extroverted, but I can't just walk up to people and start up a conversation without knowing something about them.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
I finished The Penultimate Peril today, with like 40 minutes left in the day so I decided to watch some Scrubs. They were having a pre-construction meeting for the other project so some of the higher up people were around, including the Metro Engineer. The Metro Engineer is the main guy for the city, and he told me that I shouldn't be watcing TV shows, because it's KDOT time. I should have known better, but if I had something to better to do I would. I tried asking for things to do in the beginning, and there simply isn't anything to do. The bulletin board with important dates is now empty.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Visiting the Site
I finished The Da Vinci Code today, and started on The Penultimate Peril, which I'm halfway through already. It's an interesting change to switch to a children's book. It's nice to know that the final book in the series will be released October 2006. I've complete 11 books so far. I've actually started watching more TV shows to slow down my reading. I can read out on the job site, but I can't watch TV shows. Though I guess I do have a laptop, so it's possible, but inconvenient.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Super Scout
The boss gave a lecture on appropriate internet usage today. We have a program called Super Scout that watches over us. Three people got flagged for going to inappropriate site, two were repeat offenders and will mostly get their internet shut off. I got off with just a warning since it's my first offence, kinda. I got flagged three times in a month. When you go to an inappropriate site, it tells you that you're in violation of the policy and gives the reason, then bring up SOM 1.9.8. The reasons are remote proxy, sexual content, hacking, and some some 4th reason. I've seen this page several times, but ignored them since nothing has happened until today. But of all the times, I only have three occasions. I know better on how to surf at work, but I occasionally forget or don't expect certain things to be flagged.
I had to meet with my boss and explain my actions, and made sure that I knew the rules. My first offence was going to a site called This is just a simple music news site, but the word "whore" set off the sensors. My other offences were for going to bittorrent sites. The first time, I just didn't know. The second time, someone in the office was wondering about where I got my TV shows from, and I tried to show him, forgetting that I can't look at such things. People were complaining about Super Scout, about how it's too sensitive, and unfairly flags people for seemingly appropriate things, like breast cancer. Being here for 6 weeks, I think I've found my daily sites, and will not stray from them anymore.
Monday, March 27, 2006
I recently got the Rip Slyme Orchestra album. It's an interesting/funny concept. One disc has orchestral vocal-less versions of the songs and the second disc has different people reading the lyrics like it's poetry over the orchestral versions. One on of them, the poet completely over-acts, and it ends up sounding like a drama track. What makes it more entertaining is that Rip Slyme is a hip hop group, and like most Japanese groups intersperse English in their songs.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Detectable Warnings
It official that the new truck isn't mine. So currently I have no state vehicle. Luckily I don't need one for while. I don't have any classes or meetings to attend on my own. The only thing I have to look forward to is the pre-construction meeting next week, and the Transportation conference at K-State in April.
It snowed here, third bloody day of Spring and it snows. I hate the snow, it's always been an enemy of mine in college. Making my feet cold and ground slippery. I shake my foot curled into a fist at thee snow.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
New truck
The first aid class was canceled for tomorrow, so I'll have more time to read tomorrow. I finally finished the final book of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It only took me 12 days to read it, when I assumed it would only take me 5 days. I attribute my slowness to the fact that I fall asleep reading it everyday. It's not like the books are boring, it's just something that happens to me, and I refuse to drink coffee, that's kindly provided in the office. Next is The Davinci Code, and ASoUE: The Penultimate Peril, which I finally found my copy of.
The Kojima Mayumi album was awesome as expected, but not as good as her previous one, Pablo no Koibito. The John Lennon tribute album was a disappointment, including the Bonnie Pink song. Two more months until the new Bonnie Pink single comes out.
Monday, March 20, 2006
I finally raided the office supply closet for some folders. I had no idea, I was free to take whatever I needed. They really need to develop some sort of orientation. Or maybe they did explain this me and I just forgot, since they told me so much crap on the first day.
Today, I should be getting the new Kojima Mayumi album, titled Swingin Caravan, and based on that name I know it's going to be awesome , and I got a Japanese John Lennon tribute album, mainly because it features Bonnie Pink, Shiina Ringo, and Puffy. Now I'll have more music to listen to. I spend 7 hours at work listening music, so I'm constantly trying to get new stuff. Lately I got the Dresden Dolls, Beth Orton, Metric, Ok Go, and Saint Etienne.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
I overheard the others talking about when the project is going to start. The early start date is based on the average nighttime temperature. I'd forgotten that concrete has to be done in cool temperatures. Which is going to suck for me since I hate the cold. I'm used to asphalt which has a working temperature of over 80 degree Celsius. So I get to work on a cold dark highway that still has traffic running on it. But at least I'll be making more money because of it.
Today the office spent their time watching college basketball. I normally don't care about sports, but I joined the pool. So I care about the results, but not the actual game. I'm the same way with Fantasy Baseball. Though fantasy baseball will be a nice way to waste time at work, I can't wait until the season starts.
Monday, March 13, 2006
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Erosion control
Today I went to an erosion control class. There was useful information present, though I was nodding off in the first part. It was three parts, and third part was presented by this young lady. She spoke really well and obviously knew what she was talking about, but she kept saying "um." It was fairly distracting. Throughout all the presentations I've sat through in college, I've only noticed females that have this problem. I really wonder how that happens, and if they even hear themselves say "um." I felt slightly out of place there. Gray hairs everywhere. If I saw a young person, I automatically assumed they were an engineer, but I'm probably wrong.
Once again class ended quickly. It was scheduled for 10am-2pm with a break for lunch, but we skipped the lunch break, and finished at 12:30pm. There were five of us from the office. It's interesting listening to their conversations. They mostly talk about work, like projects, contractors, and a lot about other employees. It's very educational, but sadly with my lack of experience, I can't really participate. I don't think I will ever really fit in, because when the topic isn't about work, it's about old people stuff. KDOT needs to get on the ball and recruit more young engineers. They are so many job openings for engineers, it's a little sad.
After we returned, I started on the book again. I finished the first story. It sounds like they're going to make me do some grunt work tomorrow, so I question my goal to finish the next 2 stories. We'll see.
Monday, March 06, 2006
"The argument goes something like this: 'I refuse to prove that I exist,' says God, 'for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing.'
"'But,' says Man 'the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves you exist, and so therefore, by your own arguments, you don't. QED.'
"'Oh dear,' says God 'I hadn't thought of that,' and promptly vanishes in puff of logic.
Looking around my desk, I really need to do something about it. It's pretty much left unchanged from when the previous engineering sat here. I still have the 2005 calendars on the wall. The only decorations I can think about bringing in are anime toys, but that seems kinda out of place in an office like this. Most people have pictures of their families, cars, construction, and wildfire paraphernalia. I'm pretty sure none of have any idea of what anime is, and if they do it's either pokemon or hentai. And now I have to end this, because it's quitting time.
Friday, March 03, 2006
Okinawan cooking
Today my mother left for Okinawa, so today's lunch is the last decently cooked meal I'll have in four months. It a dish made with papaya and kamoboko, but sure what else is in there, but I'm sure it has dashi no moto. I was supposed to be studying her cooking technique, but work coupled with laziness and FFXI kept me from it.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
a job
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
change orders
Today I attended a little refresher course on how to do change orders, of course being here for only 2 weeks I never learned to do change orders. My boss had me drive him and the "computer guy" to the district office. The other guys gave them shit because they made the new guy drive them. On the way, they decided that we should stop the Amish restaurant for some coffee and pastries. It was good stuff, and the waitress was surprisingly cute, I attribute it to the dress. The class was scheduled from 10am to 3pm, but we were done by 11am. Since this was a district wide course for all the engineers, specialists and PSA's (Public Service Administrator, that's what the computer guy is), I finally got to meet some of my peers. I met an engineer that graduated a year before me. I didn't really know him, but I was friends with his brother. It was nice to talk to someone like me, a fellow KSU CE graduate that did poorly in school. After spending 45 minutes chatting, everybody finally went home. Got back just in time for lunch where I watched last night's episode of Scrubs. This job is great for giving me time to catch up on all the shows that I've been neglecting. Maybe I'll finally get around to watching Dead Like Me, Firefy, and Wonderfalls. Nothing like watching shows that were canceled before there time. I really hope that Arrested Development comes back.