Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Today was another do nothing day. I alternated between reading Demons and Angels and playing spider. Regardless of how good the book is, I still don't have the attention span to sit there and read for hours on end. Tomorrow I have a change order class, so I probably won't finish the book until Thurday, but I'll try to drag it out, since I don't have new book yet. I'll probably borrow The DaVinci Code and whatever other book that my friend recommend.

Today, an update for the java program that we used was released. It was a simple update, just over-write two old files and copy one new one. They of course wrote a full page of instructions. The office "computer guy" followed these instructions exactly and went around updating everyone's computer. I would have done it myself but I have limit privileges. I can add new files, but I can't delete the old ones. So I waited until the computer guy tried to update mine, and he didn't quite understand the write error it was giving him. I explained it to him, but he didn't completely believe me at first. He thought my external hard drive was causing the problem. So we rebooted without the drive, and lo and behold same thing. I finally convinced him to log in with his account, and we finished updating. Now that I had access, I uninstalled a bunch of the problems that I installed two weeks ago. Free up a good 7 gigs (thanks to FFXI) I think that since I’m still on probation, that I don't have access, because everyone else can do whatever they want with their computers. In fact, the former token black guy, I say former because I increased that number by 0.5, takes his laptop home with him. I haven't gotten to know a lot of the people here, but Token seems to be the most intelligent amongst them. I only say that, because I'm actually able to have an interesting conversation with him.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Defensive Driving

I went to a Defensive driving course today. It lasted from 8:30am to 2:00pm, with several breaks including one for lunch. It was surprisingly entertaining, not necessarily informant, since I already knew most of this. The trooper showed us several videos of crashes, plus some random videos just for fun, including the Trunk Monkey and the Ford Sportka commercials. Another nice thing about going to this class is that once I get my completion certificate, I am entitled to an insurance discount. The class was very relaxed, almost too relaxed, some of the guys in the back were constantly cracking jokes. Then one really rude old man sitting behind actually called someone on his cellphone and proceeded to talk to them at his seat. Is he just that oblivious to others, or does he think because he's so old, that people will excuse him and won't say anything. Of course no one said anything and the trooper continued with the class like nothing is happening.

Since this was a district wide class, I got see several people that I worked with over the summer, including the Area Engineer. I told him about how slow it is, and he suggested that I try to get into the district materials lab and watch some testing. I ask my boss about it, and he said he'll try.

After the class, my boss sent me to main office to get my keys to the office. Apparently the lady that issues the key sent an email to my boss saying that I should pick up my keys next Tuesday. So I kinda inconvenienced her, especially since they are in the middle of remodeling her office area.

Thursday, February 23, 2006


They're actually having me do something, answering the phones. It feel like I'm a desk monkey again. Though it's kinda worthless having me at the phones, because I don't know anything or anybody. Amazingly one of the calls was for me. Telling me that I have to attend class about respecting others in the workplace this afternoon, and defensive driving class tomorrow. It was kinda odd how the lady told me to go.

Lady: "Are you going to the class this afternoon?"
Me: "What class?"
Lady: "Respecting other in the workplace."
Me: "I wasn't planning on it."
Lady: "Well you need to go it"

I thought she thought I was being rude to her. But I discovered that it was someone from the main office, informing that I have to attend this mandatory class. Scared me for a second.

The class itself wasn't too bad. It was mostly about diversity, teaching how not to be offensive at work. The guy giving the class did a fairly good job. On the drive back from the class, I stopped in a little Amish town and picked up some deliciously huge cinnamon rolls, kinda made the trip worth it.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Another boring day at work. Fell asleep a couple times reading the spec book. Once for 30 minutes, and when I awoke, there was a little trail of drool on my shirt. Kinda looked like spilt honey, odd. I finally was able to check my state email, and I found out I now have another class to attend on March 1, and that I get to attend a transportation conference at KSU on April 11-12, which I actually look forward to attending.

Watched a couple episodes of Arrested Developent over lunch, so I decided to kill about an hour reading stuff about it at imdb. Found this hilarious forum thread. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0367279/board/nest/34544714

Monday, February 20, 2006

Presidents' Day

For some reason us state workers don't get Presidents' Day off. In fact our next holiday is Memorial Day. Some people still took the day off or they were classes. About 5 people weren't in the office today. I spent most of the day without my computer. My boss finally gave me my login information at the end of the day. The first thing I did was try to install tightVNC, but it wouldn't install correctly because I didn't have admin privileges. Apparently last week, the person that was logging in for me was the admin. So I don't have as many rights as I thought I did, but I'm still able to browse the web, watch videos, and listen to my music so I can't complain. It's not like they're actually making me work. So with no computer, I just read all day. Finished Dave Barry in Cyberspace, and read 2/3 of The People of Sparks and about 70 pages from the spec book.

Today is my mom's birthday, so I got her some noise canceling headphones to go along with the mp3 player she just got. She's leaving for Okinawa at the end of the month and I thought she could use some nice headphones to block the noise since it's a long flight.

Saturday, February 18, 2006


I finished my first week of "work". I drove one hour to take a basic math test. It was 15 questions multiple choice, and it took me 5 minutes to complete. The other person taking the test was still on the first page when I finished. So two hours of total driving for a crappy test, but it's ok since I had nothing better to do. Although the state issued truck had problems with the heater. It would blow hot air for a little while then switch to cold and then back, which really sucks when it's only 19 degrees F outside. I decided to install Final Fantasy XI, but was unable to get online with it. I did some research, and I'm going to have to SSH into my home computer or use VNC to play. Though I'm not even sure if those even work. It's no big deal though, being able to play online games at work would make this job too good.

It seems like half the office didn't even come into work today. It usually feels like that, because they're in classes, but there were no classes Friday. One of the guys that did come, left for lunch and never came back. There's so much to learn about this job, but no one explains anything to me. I think I know how it works, but I'm afraid to imitate them, because I'm the new guy, and I shouldn't be taking advantage of the system just yet.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

"quiet time"

It's just after 4pm, which is when most of the staff goes home. We work on flex time. Most of them work 7:30am-4:00pm with a half hour lunch. I opted for the 8am-4:30pm, because I don't feel like getting up that early. I thought about 8:30am-5:00am, like this one lady in the office does, but she seems to enjoy her time alone, and I don't want to intrude.

I did nothing today. I read a section from the "Standard Specifications for State Road and Bridge Construction". I read all about the minute details of the equipment that is used in road construction. It's my goal to read this 1100 page spec book before our first project in April. I've read 140 pages in 3 days, which isn't bad considering how boring it is. I spent the rest of my day reading Dave Barry's Complete Guide to Guys. I brought my external HD, so I always had music playing, and I watched a couple episodes of Venture Bros and My Name is Earl. I love getting paid for something I'd be doing at home anyway. The only difference is that I have to wear boots, and I don't have a blanket to keep me warm. I swear I've become a pansy in these past couple years. Any temperature under 70 degrees F and I get cold. Working here is nice, but slightly uncomfortable for me, because I'm so much younger than everyone else by an estimated 10 years, and that's being generous to my coworkers. I make more money than most of them, and in a couple years I'll become their boss, despite learning everything I know from them. Once I get my own state computer account, I'll install some games, and make my work day even more fun. Hurray for working for the state.

Current amount of books read at work: 2
Total amount of read while working for the state: 21 (I worked for them last summer)

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

I recently graduated from Kansas State Univ with a bachelors in Civil Engineering. I just started working for the Department of Transportation on Monday, Feb 13th. It's currently the offseason for construction work, so I have absolutely nothing to do. During this time most people are catching up on paperwork or going to classes. Since I just started, it's too late to enroll me in the upcoming classes and I have no paperwork. Luckily I am provided with a laptop, so I decided to start this blog to occupy my time. Nothing like getting paid to sit around and do nothing. It's like working for the university all over again. Currently the only thing I have to look forward to is a basic math test that's required by all DoT employees. This Friday, I have to drive 50 miles to take this 30 question basic math test. I'll be ashamed if I don't get a perfect.